Francisco Goya, The Third of May 1808, 1814
Francisco Goya, The Third of May 1808, 1814

"In 1808 (Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes) Goya was 62 years old, a respected and wealthy court painter whose work had ranged from gay tapestry designs to perceptive portraits, stunning murals and powerful etchings.

Deafened and growing old, Goya had no reason to believe that some of his most original work was still before him.

Just political intrigue precipitated  on Spain a cruel and unnecessary war – a war that was to present Goya with the properties for the work whose vivid truth would help secure him as ane of the world's great artists." *

Francisco Goya, Self Portrait, 1815

In 1808 Napoleon's armies invaded Espana and Napoleon placed his blood brother, Joseph Bonaparte, on the throne.

Notwithstanding, earlier this decision was made public, the Spaniards rose upwards against Napoleon.

On the 2d of May, 1808, at that place were diverse rumours well-nigh Napoleon's plans and an uneasy crowd gathered in the Puerta del Sol virtually the palace in Madrid. The oversupply grew restless and surged on the French guards. In response, the Spaniards were fired upon past the guards and French re-inforcements were dispatched, including the Mamelukes, who were hated Egyptian mercenaries.

The mob continued their assault – with soldiers being pulled from their horses and attacked with knives and bare hands.

Goya  (1746–1828) captured this scene in his 1814 painting, The 2nd of May, 1808, or The Insurrection against the Mamelukes.

Franciso Goya, The Second of May 1808, 1814
Franciso Goya, The Second of May 1808, 1814
Francisco Goya, The Third of May 1808, 1814
Francisco Goya, The Third of May 1808, 1814

State of war might have been avoided at this point, but on the following mean solar day, the tertiary of May, the French executed all the Spaniards believed to accept been continued with the uprising in any way, without trial, at Príncipe Pío, a hill just outside Madrid. Goya as well captured this action in his painting, The Third of May 1808, 1814.

French firing squads appeared throughout Spain, with guerrillas warfare (the term, meaning trivial wars, was coined at the time) as the Spaniards threw themselves on the French soldiers in an impassioned display of nationalism.

Goya's mental attitude towards the war was mixed. Born to a small family which was barely genteel, his appetite and considerable talent led him to Spain'south purple court where its wealthiest aristocrats became his patrons. Goya came to artistic maturity during an age of enlightenment whilst Bourbon king Charles III  ruled Spain as a monarch sympathetic to change, employing ministers who supported radical economical, industrial, and agricultural reform. At the age of forty he was appointed painter to the king and was promoted to court painter in 1789, under the newly accessioned Charles 4.

The rule of Charles Four came to an end with Napoleon's invasion.

Although he was repulsed past the French atrocities, Goya pledged allegiance to Bonaparte, and painted members of the French regime. He was an admirer of the French Enlightenment and considered that French rule might be an improvement on the inadequacies of Charles IV. In 1811, he was awarded the Royal Order of Spain.

After Napoleon's autumn in 1814, Ferdinand Vii (the son of Charles Iv), who took over the throne, revoked the Constitution, reinstated the Inquisition, and declared himself absolute monarch. Not long after, he launched a reign of terror.

In response,  Goya demonstrated his allegiance to the new male monarch by commemorating Spain's insurgence confronting the French, including both the 2d of May and 3rd of May paintings.

The Third of May

The Third of May, 1808 shows the executioners as anonymous soldiers obeying orders by killing the suspects lined up in front end of them.

The focal signal of the picture is the man in the white shirt.   His expression is of horror, disbelief and pride. His outstretched arms inevitably recalling Christ on the Cantankerous – a defiant gesture of indescribable power. The coarse, swarthy, dilated confront – all vitality. Beside him a homo stares at his executioners, while a monk stars at the footing and clasps his hands in prayer.

The side by side group of victims trudge the hill to their  terrible fate.  The faces of the pueblo, the Spanish people, keep their individuality right upwardly to the edge of the mass grave. They are in contrast to the utter anonymity of the firing squad – they are a faceless line displaying machine-like efficiency .

For dramatic effect, Goya shows the scene taking identify at  night, although in fact the killings were carried out during the day.

He has used a limited range of black and brown tones relieved by splashes of bright colour, such as the bright white light of the lantern and cherry-red of the shirt. The remarkably free handling a paint which Goya applied with his fingers and knives, as well as brushes, add to the overall dynamism of the scene.

(Goya connected his business relationship of the atrocities of war in a series of eighty-five prints chosen The Disasters of War which describe the travesties witnessed during Spain's struggle for independence from France.)

Before Goya, artists had traditionally shown state of war as a heroic, enabling act, painted on huge canvases, with cheering crowds. However, Goya painted was as it actually was – with the occasional acts of heroism, only more often non the brutalisation of men who committed atrocities upon others – and the hunger, impecuniousness and misery which ravaged the country.

*   Richard Schikel, The World of Goya 1746-1828, Time Life Books, 1868

This blog is but a short excerpt from my art history eastward-class, Introduction to Modern European Art   which is designed for adult learners and students of art history.

This interactive program covers the catamenia from Romanticism right through to Abstract Art, with sections on the Bauhaus and School of Paris,  primal Paris exhibitions, both favourite and less well known artists and their work, and data about colour theory and key art terms. Lots of interesting stories, videos and opportunities to undertake exercises throughout the plan.

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