Shoot Them Again Their Souls Are Dancing

Monday Reads: Changing your Ways, Changing those Surrounding You

Paul Gauguin, Interieur avec Aline Gauguin, 1881

Skillful Day Sky Dancers!

I spent the weekend avoiding the news mostly.  I did go out to vote for the one thing on our ballot here in Orleans Parish which passed. It was to increase the millage on our property taxes to aggrandize the early on childhood instruction programs hither in our schools.  It passed although the number of people voting was small and appeared to be those of the states deeply committed to universal preschool.

I got into a discussion with the vote workers.  Information technology ended with they are all our children and they deserve information technology.  It felt skillful to vote for the benefit of the hamlet children.  We all enhance them.

Then, one of the forgotten headlines brought the news to me. Call up the Opioid Crunch?  Information technology's all the same out there. I was spending the evening with my neighbor beyond the street and decided to check on the election returns at about 8 p.k.  I couldn't do information technology because I'd accidentally left my phone at dwelling house. I crossed the neutral ground about the same fourth dimension I heard a series of shots coming from the abandoned naval base and the master buildings.  I'g so allowed to the sound of gunshots from in that location I really thought nothing of information technology.

I couldn't locate my telephone so I went back across the street to take my neighbor call me and then back across again. By that time, I heard a series of 10 shots, coming from back behind my house towards the canal where a large encampment sits at the far end of the old base's parking lot.  They live in the old gym facilities. They near burnt it down a few months agone.  But, that's another story.

Henri Matisse, Portrait de Marguerite Matisse (The Reader), 1906, Musée de Grenoble, French republic.

I had simply gotten to the sidewalk by my gate when I saw this huge white guy with a white t-shirt and Bermuda shorts on running straight at me followed by his much shorter married woman having come from the bar on the corner where the base archway happens to be.  I asked him what was going on.  His reply was "oh, usual New Orleans shit, I'thousand just getting my ride and getting out".  At that fourth dimension a van showed up in front of my house and he beat your basic beeline into it while his married woman waited for him to negotiate the process.  (Such gallantry!)   I shouted these were white generally rural folks dumped over there from Mississippi and other places considering they don't want to bargain with their opioid issues there. I honestly take never met ane New Orleans person hanging out there.

By that time, the street was a swarm of police cars and the ladder truck from the fire station downwards the street where I had voted earlier today. I headed straight for the side door to grab Temple, chase cats to the dorsum, and head for my bedroom.  My evening out was over. The next forenoon I heard exactly what was going on other than it was a shootout betwixt a human being and a woman and was the usual domestic violence scene these days with guns on both sides.  Except, it poured into the street.  To be precise, it poured into my street.

I know some of the people who live in that location.  I know some of their parents too that show up to look for proof of life and take the newly born grandchildren from their addicted daughters to raise.  That's a village over there of someone's children.

I've taken to writing my posts later and afterwards considering the news is filled with items that evidence that we're not a performance republic anymore with a business firm social contract to others. Information technology causes me dandy sorrow and dismay.  Today, was no different.  The headlines are savage exist they from my neighborhood, our country, or our world. Dementia Don showed up in Nebraska Saturday dark and created his usual hatefest, liefest, and bizarre mix-upwardly of words.  This, of course, reminded me of that time Ronald Reagan dumped the country'southward mentally sick on the sidewalks of America and no one e'er looked back.

These series of embarrassing rallies take got to say something well-nigh the manner Republicans ignore the existent issues that people in this country live with day-to-twenty-four hours.  What family would let their elderly father announced in public like this? What merciful group of friends would encourage it?

Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Portrait of Pierre Renoir in a Sailor Arrange, 1890,

I keep to think the bullies in this land are getting away with murder while the compassionate among us are derided every bit snowflakes.  The Supreme Court issued an phenomenal unanimous vote on a flag display in Boston.  I understand the logic but one of these things is truly not similar the others. From USA Today: "Supreme Court: Boston can't deny Christian flag if it flies other flags on City Hall flagpole. "This case is so much more significant than a flag," a representative for the Christian grouping said. "Boston openly discriminated confronting viewpoints it disfavored," when it excluded a Christian flag."

So my first question is WTF is a Christian flag?  I've never seen anything like that hanging in front end of any church I attended or visited. The 2d is that I've basically come to avert a lot of Christians these days seeing them by and large as grandstanding bullies and this comes off like that.

Every bit I've said earlier, these folks are non your female parent's Episcopal, Lutheran, Presbyterian, etc. Church ladies who attend their church potluck in the basement over prayers and scripture. Nor are they the social justice arms of the "normal" churches that care about drug addicts, early babyhood education, and the provision of appropriate senior care. I've got a minor grouping of nuns in a convent around the corner who are likely horrified by the entire flag idea.  These are the ones that provide the local free clinic and the senior living center downward the street.  This is the kind of good trouble Christians of my youth used to take on.  Nosotros visited remainder homes, fed hungry people, and fixed up homes. We never flew flags.  Just did good. But, anyway, here we are.  This is from United states Today.

The Supreme Court on Monday ruled that Boston may not deny a Christian group the ability to enhance a flag at City Hall alongside secular organizations that are encouraged to practice so to celebrate the urban center's diversity.

The unanimous decision was the latest in a series of rulings from the high court favoring the protection of religious groups, though in this case the event was more about the Starting time Amendment's protection of gratuitous speech than its promise that Americans may practice their religion without government interference.

"We conclude that Boston's flag-raising programme does not express authorities spoken communication," Associate Justice Stephen Breyer wrote for the court. "As a upshot, the metropolis's refusal to allow (the group) fly their flag based on its religious viewpoint violated the Gratuitous Speech communication Clause of the Offset Amendment."

A mix of bourgeois and liberal justices joined the court'southward stance, including Main Justice John Roberts and Associate Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. There were no dissents.

That vote appeared to reflect the fact that the religious group had support that transcended traditional ideological and partisan lines. The Biden administration, for case, sided with the group and against Boston in the instance.

Vincent van Gogh, Mother Roulin with Her Baby (1888).

Well, I'm sure that's going to concenter all kinds of flags that we never imagined showing upward there in Edible bean Town. I foretell the unabridged display coming down shortly before the Grand Sorcerer and other groups accept a go at it.   I'thousand not sure complimentary speech is supposed to be a costless-for-all of toxic 1-upmanship.

This is not the proper interpretation of free oral communication or exercise of information technology either: (via Axios and Mike Allen) "Scoop: Esper says Trump wanted to shoot protesters."

Sometime Defense Secretary Mark Esper charges in a memoir out May 10 that sometime President Trump said when demonstrators were filling the streets around the White House following the decease of George Floyd: "Can't you simply shoot them?Only shoot them in the legs or something?"

Why information technology matters:The volume, "A Sacred Oath," contains brilliant, first-person revelations past a elevation Cabinet member, bolstering outsiders' accounts of extreme dysfunction in Trump's White Business firm.

  • Esper, who had before been Secretary of the Army, was fired by Trump after the 2020 election.

That moment in the kickoff week of June, 2020, "was surreal, sitting in front of the Resolute desk, inside the Oval Part, with this thought weighing heavily in the air, and the president cerise faced and complaining loudly about the protests under way in Washington, D.C.," Esper writes.

  • "The good news— this wasn't a difficult determination," Esper continues. "The bad news — I had to figure out a mode to walk Trump dorsum without creating the mess I was trying to avert."

Backside the curtain:The book was vetted at the highest levels of the Pentagon. I'm told that as part of the clearance process, the book was reviewed in whole or in part by nearly three dozen 4-star generals, senior civilians, and some Cabinet members.

  • Some of them had witnessed what Esper witnessed.
  • During the volume'south security review,Esper sued the Pentagon over a classification dispute.

Context: Esper enraged Trump by publicly stating in June 2020 that he opposed invoking the Insurrection Deed — an 1807 law that permits the president to utilise active-duty troops on U.S. soil — in social club to quell protests against racial injustice.

  • Michael Bender— then with The Wall Street Periodical, now with the N.Y. Times — reported last year in his book, "Frankly, We Did Win This Election," that Trump repeatedly called for police force enforcement to shoot protesters during heated meetings inside the Oval Office.

Breakfast in Bed' Mary Cassatt, 1897

So, the near cogent take on all of this I feel is out there in The Atlantic with this piece by Derek Thompson: "This Is How America'southward Civilization War Decease Spirals. Why Disney vs. DeSantis is the time to come of politics."  Declaring an terminate to the Republican-led civilization state of war might make united states more than of a empathetic, caring, and functional democracy.

If you're a conservative wondering where all this Millennial corporate activism is coming from, try to run across things from the liberal perspective. Trump is a wannabe disciplinarian who desperately tried to overturn a autonomous election. He failed, merely his clownish followers still stormed the seat of government, apparently thinking they could accomplish by forcefulness what the president couldn't accomplish by law. State-level Republicans are purging bureaucrats who refused to go forth with Trump'south attempted counterfoil of the election. Meanwhile, Republicans have moved e'er farther to the right on LGBTQ issues; they are empowering citizens to enforce severe anti-abortion laws in Texas and many other states; and the Supreme Courtroom's conservative bulk may soon overturnRoe five. Wade.

If Republicans have reasons to experience paranoid about liberal companies stomping on their values, Democratscertainly have reasons to feel paranoid well-nigh conservative lawmakers flirting with authoritarianism as revenge. Looking around at their political leadership, Democrats are bereft. The president is feckless, the Senate is pathetic, the House of Representatives is powerless, and the courts are strewn with Republican appointees. What lever of power is left? The cultural lever. This is the context in which LGBTQ Disney employees find it necessary to urge their executive squad to act as their proxy regular army in Florida politics.

To review, today's civilisation-war decease screw is being accelerated past reactive polarization on both sides. Republicans, freaked out past what they see as cultural disempowerment, are yanking politics right; Democrats, freaked out by what they see as political disempowerment, are pulling institutions left.

The Three Ages of Woman,1905, Gustav Klimt,

And ah yes, ladies, they are coming for our birth control, our uterus, and our basic right to our moral agency with aplomb. This is from the Washington Post and Caroline Kitchener: "The side by side frontier for the antiabortion movement: A nationwide ban. Advocates and some GOP lawmakers have started mobilizing around potential federal legislation to outlaw abortion subsequently half dozen weeks of pregnancy". These folks are on the border of the fight against democracy. They are theocratic fascists.

Leading antiabortion groups and their allies in Congress have been meeting behind the scenes to plan a national strategy that would kick in if the Supreme Courtroom rolls back abortion rights this summer, including a push for a strict nationwide ban on the procedure if Republicans retake ability in Washington.

The effort, activists say, is designed to bringa fight that has been playing out largely in the courts and state legislatures to the national political stage — rallying conservatives around the issue in the midterms and pressuring potential 2024 GOP presidential candidates to take a stand up.

The discussions reflect what activists draw asan emerging consensus in some corners of the antiabortion movement to button for hard-line measures that volition truly finish a do they run across as murder while rejecting any proposals seen equally half-measures.

Activists say their confidence stems from progress on two fronts: At the Supreme Courtroom, a conservative majority appears ready to weaken or overturn theRoe v. Wade determination that has protected abortion rights for nearly 50 years. And activists fence that in Texas, Republicans accept paid no apparent political price for banning abortion after cardiac activity is detected, around six weeks of pregnancy.

While a number of states have recently approved laws to ban abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy — the limit established in the Mississippi legislation at the heart of the example pending before the high courtroom — some activists and Republican lawmakers now say those laws are not ambitious enough for the next phase of the antiabortion motility. Instead, they now run across the six-week limit — which they phone call "heartbeat" legislation — every bit the preferred strategy considering it would prevent far more than abortions.

And no matter what lies they spin, that own't a heart.  It'southward a cluster of vibrating cells.  The good news is that Women's Groups are not asleep on reproductive rights issues.

BTW, Covid-19 isn't done with us.  New York Numbers are escalating into the xanthous zone and at that place are all the same new variants on the horizon?  Will that be the adjacent public health result thrown on the heap of let'south ignore the opioid crunch, let's toss grandma out of her facility, and let'southward just let women die of childbirth while nosotros discuss pet religious and economic fetishes like tax cuts to rich people and corporations based on something other than science and reality?

Field Workers, Ellis Wilson, circa 1958-41

Oh, and back to my original business organization.  States are now determining what they will do with the Opioid settlement today.  It's time to make sure the people with the issue go the assistance they need.

The Sackler family and Perdue Pharma are being forced to face up their victims. (Via NPR)

For the beginning time during the long legal reckoning over the opioid crisis, members of the Sackler family who own Purdue Pharma heard direct from people who say their company'southward main product, Oxycontin, wrecked their lives.

David Sackler, Richard Sackler and Theresa Sackler listened and watched during the roughly 2-60 minutes long hearing as people described surviving habit and spoke of losing loved ones to the epidemic.

The Sacklers spoke briefly to confirm their presence, but did not answer to the testimony.

"You created so much loss for so many people," said Kay Scarpone, whose son Joe Scarpone, a retired Marine, died of an opioid overdose.

"I'm not sure how you lot live every day. I promise you ask for God's forgiveness for your actions. May God have mercy on your souls," Scarpone said.

Many of the people who testified held upwardly photographs of dead loved ones.

"As a physician and a mother, I have been consumed with grief," said Dr. Kimberly Blake, whose son Sean died of an opioid overdose.

"In 2020, I was hospitalized with depression because I couldn't face another Mother's Day without him," she said.

Here'due south an update of what's happening from  BioSpace located in Seattle.

Arguments regarding thePurdue Pharmaopioid settlement continue to be heard in court. On Friday, attorneys representing the Connecticut-based visitor and the Sackler familysquared off confronting the Section of Justice over the question of whether or non legal wording can protect the family unit from future lawsuits.

On Fri, Bloombergreported the Department of Justice is wrangling over a cornerstone provision of the settlement agreement that volition provide a level of protection for the Sacklers confronting future opioid-related lawsuits. The settlement agreement locks the Sackler family unit into paying approximately $6 billion into the nationwide fund that will be used to manage the opioid settlement.

While the deal has been widely supported by state attorney generals, a division within the Department of Justice is questioning if the U.South. Bankruptcy Courtroom has the power to craft an agreement that provides protection against futurity legal action, such as the one granted to the Sacklers.

The legal question will play out in court and, if the DOJ is correct, could dismantle the opioid settlement and clog upwards the courts with additional opioid-related lawsuits, according toBloomberg.

Thelatest settlement agreement includes a provision that the Sackler family gives up all ownership of Purdue Pharma. Information technology will let the company to move forward with itsreorganization plan and rebrand to Knoa Pharma. A majority of the new company'due south profits will be used to lessen the ongoing crisis.

Purdue isn't the only company to see legal action. Texas-based Natera is the subject of a securities-related class-activity lawsuit thatalleges the visitor withheld information regarding the reliability of its prenatal test, Panorama, and screening test for kidney transplant failure, Prospera.

There are updates on many states via Google besides as this site.  I tin speak from experience that ensuring these addicts have some grade of treatment or care is important.  Most of our major cities take issues that are worse than mine here in New Orleans.

I still try to work and vote local. If we all improve our neighborhoods and intendance almost our neighbors, nosotros build a ameliorate world. Most of the states don't need to let our religious flags fly. What we need to do is let our personal values and beliefs take flight with activeness.  Love one another. Have compassionate action. Be kind to yourself and others.  These are my daily mantras in these difficult days.

Have a adept calendar week Sky Dancers!

What'south on your reading and blogging list today?

Shaking the Tree

by Peter Gabriel

Souma Yergon, Sou Nou Yergon
Nosotros are shakin' the tree
Souma Yergon, Sou Nou Yergon
We are shakin' the tree
Waiting your time, dreaming of a improve life
Waiting your time, you lot're more than just a married woman
Yous don't have to do what your female parent has done
She has done, this is your life, this new life has begun
It's your 24-hour interval, a adult female'due south day
It's your solar day, a woman's solar day
Souma Yergon, Sou Nou Yergon
We are shakin' the tree
Souma Yergon, Sou Nou Yergon
Nosotros are shakin' the tree
Turning the tide, yous are on the incoming wave
Turning the tide, you know you lot are nobody'southward slave
Find your sisters or brothers who can hear all the truth in what you say
They tin can support you when you're on your fashion
It's your twenty-four hour period, a woman's day
It's your solar day, a woman's day
Souma Yergon, Sou Nou Yergon
Nosotros are shakin' the tree
Souma Yergon, Sou Nou Yergon
Nosotros are shakin' the tree
Changing your means, changing those surrounding you
Irresolute your ways, more any homo tin can practise
Open your heart, bear witness him the acrimony and pain, and then yous heal
Mayhap he's looking for his womanly side, let him experience
Yous had to be so strong
And you do nothing wrong, zip wrong at all
We're gonna break information technology downwardly
We're gonna shake it down, shake it all around
No no no no no no
No no no no no no
No no no no no no
It'due south your day, a woman's day
Information technology'southward your day, a woman'southward day
It's your day, a woman's mean solar day
It'due south your twenty-four hour period, a woman'southward twenty-four hours
It's your mean solar day, a woman's day
It'due south your day, a woman'due south day
It's your 24-hour interval, a adult female'south day
Information technology'due south your day, a woman's mean solar day
Information technology's your solar day, a woman's day
It's your solar day, a adult female's day
It'south your twenty-four hours, a woman'south day
It's your twenty-four hours, a woman's solar day
You had to be so strong
You do nothing wrong, nothing wrong at all
We're gonna break it down
We're gonna shake it down, shake it all effectually


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